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"Wedding Day"
15" X 10" Acrylic Paint

8 1/8' X 11 3/4' Watercolor Paint and Colored Pencils Featured in SCAD Vernissage 2012 in Lacoste, France

8 1/8' X 11 3/4' Watercolor Paint and Colored Pencils Featured in SCAD Vernissage 2012 in Lacoste, France

8 1/8' X 11 3/4' Watercolor Paint and Colored Pencils Featured in SCAD Vernissage 2012 in Lacoste, France

8 1/8' X 11 3/4' Watercolor Paint and Colored Pencils

8 1/8' X 11 3/4' Watercolor Paint and Colored Pencils

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